Fruit Focus 2023 – Agri-TechE

It’s Wimbledon week so the focus is on strawberries – one of the great success stories for innovation in fruit production. Breeding at East Malling has resulted in an extension of the strawberry fruiting season to create a highly profitable product for the industry. More innovation will be featured at Fruit Focus on 12th July 2023 at NIAB East Malling, Kent.

Fruit Focus

Highlights include:

Fruit Research Innovation Hub: featuring novel controls, detection, forecasting, and prevention of pests and diseases using a range of agri-tech. Research is funded by BBSRC and UKRI.

Fruit Forum: including a presentation of a recent report about overcoming labour shortages by John Shropshire with discussions including Mark Spencer, Minister of State for Food, Farming and Fisheries (Defra) and Martin Emmett, Chair of NFU Horticulture and Potatoes Board.

Exhibition: a diverse selection of services, equipment and agri-tech is on show, including by a number of Agri-TechE members (stand numbers in brackets):

  • ADAS (626): independent provider of agricultural and environmental applied/strategic research and consultancy.
  • Antobot (200): an award-winning start-up providing affordable robotics for sustainable agriculture.
  • BASF (32): a leader in crop protection and solutions for improving plant health.
  • Bayer Crop Science (26): one of the world’s largest lifescience businesses offering digital farming systems, seeds and traits, and crop protection products and services.
  • Elsoms (616): a leading independent seed and plant breeding business.
  • Kroptek (213): lighting for controlled environments.
  • Natural Resources Institute at University of Greenwich (642): a specialist research, development and education organisation.
  • NIAB (500): plant research institute; will also be hosting and presenting recent research at 12:00 in the Fruit Forum.
  • Pro-Lite Technology (658): a supplier of specialist equipment with a technical focus in spectroscopy, spectral imaging, remote sensing, light measurement and photonics.
  • Sencrop (8): networked weather stations; will also be talking about efficient irrigation at 15:20 in the Fruit Forum.

Find out more about Fruit Focus at


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This post originally appeared on TechToday.