
How GPU and AI Technologies Are Accelerating Biotech Breakthroughs

AI and generative AI are dramatically accelerating the pace of scientific research. We’ll share the new GPU and AI technology

Biotech, QSOL Featured, Science, Security, Syndicated, Technology

Getting Started with Intune Part 5: Two Paths

So far, we’ve explored evaluating your environment, choosing initial use cases, planning and building your deployment, and the daunting process

Autopilot, Channel, Cloud, devices, Group Policy, Hybrid devices, intune, Security, Syndicated, Windows 11

Getting Started with Intune Part 5: Two Paths

So far, we’ve explored evaluating your environment, choosing initial use cases, planning and building your deployment, and the daunting process

Autopilot, Channel, Cloud, Group Policy, Hybrid devices, Hybrid Joined, intune, Security, Syndicated, Windows 11

Technium’s Cyber Camp: A Hands-On Approach to IT Careers

Technium's Cyber Camp is a real-world introduction to the exciting field of information technology. Inspired by our CEO's decades of

careers, CEO, Company News, cyber security, education, information technology, jobs, network security, practical skills, QSOL Featured, Syndicated, Technium, Technology, training, Training & Development, year

Getting Started with Intune Part 2: Don’t Build for the Fringe

In most cases, the hardest part of doing anything is getting started, and that’s certainly true for implementing Intune. More

app, Azure, Business, Channel, discovery steps, fringe case, Implementation, intune, modern management, Syndicated, video series

3 Questions: Enhancing last-mile logistics with machine learning | MIT News

Across the country, hundreds of thousands of drivers deliver packages and parcels to customers and companies each day, with many

AI, Artificial Intelligence, learning, lot, Syndicated, Technology

Examining Longterm Machine Learning through ELLA and Voyager: Part 2 of Why LLML is the Next Game-changer of AI | by Anand Majmudar

Understanding the power of Lifelong Learning through the Efficient Lifelong Learning Algorithm (ELLA) and VOYAGER AI Robot Piloting Space Vessel,

AI, Bing, game, Ideas, Science, Syndicated