Does your MSP portfolio need a new security vendor?

Changing technology vendors can be a daunting and stressful proposition for a managed service provider. Not only do you risk

cybersecurity, Featured, MSP, Security, security vendor, Syndicated, vendor consolidation

3 big mindset shifts with MSP outbound marketing

The nature of outbound marketing has seen a drastic shift in the last decade. People are more connected now than

Featured, mindset, MSP, MSP Marketing, outbound marketing, Sales & Marketing, Syndicated

The three conversations every CISO needs to have

A CISO needs to be many things. One of the most important, and possibly underestimated, is the need to be

CIO, CISO, Featured, Key conversations, MSP, Security, Syndicated

Mobile device threats: How serious are they?

No matter how well a managed service provider (MSP) secures a client’s network, none of that matters if a hacker

cybersecurity, Featured, malware, Mobile device, mobile device malware, MSP, Security, Syndicated

Partner Spotlight: MSP strengthens security service offering with Barracuda XDR

Located in Fort Lauderdale, FL, LAN Infotech specializes in Managed IT services, IT consulting, helpdesk services, data backup solutions, business

Barracuda, Barracuda XDR, Featured, LAN Infotech, MSP, partnership, Security, Syndicated

Tips for MSPs to product PHI from hackers

Hackers love personal healthcare information (PHI). Health records contain a trove of highly saleable information that can fetch high prices

Featured, hackers, Healthcare, HIPAA, MSP, PHI, Security, Syndicated

Is your client’s Microsoft 365 data protected?

According to some estimates, over 1 million companies use Microsoft 365 (M365). Because they’re working with a trusted brand, businesses

Barracuda Cloud-to-Cloud Backup, Featured, Microsoft 365, MSP, Security, SMB, Syndicated

Google Reviews: The key to MSP success

If you’re considering buying a product, hiring a service provider, eating at a restaurant, etc., what is one of the

Featured, Google reviews, MSP, MSP Marketing, Reviews, Sales & Marketing, Syndicated

Leveraging AI to streamline MSP customer management

In part one of this series, we took a look at how artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to elevate

AI, Featured, MSP, Sales enablement, streamline, Syndicated, Tech Insight