data protection

Ask an MSP Expert: Demonstrating the Microsoft 365 backup value 

While you may think your customers’ Microsoft 365 data is backed up, chances are it’s not. Finding a comprehensive and

Barracuda Cloud-to-Cloud Backup, data protection, Featured, Microsoft 365, MSP Marketing, MSP Sales, Security, Syndicated

Ask an MSP Expert: Offering comprehensive Microsoft 365 protection 

It’s estimated that Microsoft 365 is used by over one million companies globally. This widespread adoption is led by more than

backup and recovery, Barracuda Cloud-to-Cloud Backup, data protection, Featured, Microsoft 365, Security, Syndicated

Data tampering is an underrated threat — get your backup ready

World Backup Day is an annual reminder of how important it is to have an up-to-date, readily accessible copy of everything

backup, data backup, data protection, Featured, ransomware, Security, Syndicated, World Backup Day

Protecting your customers’ data in the age of ransomware

There is a cybersecurity paradox in many organizations that MSPs should consider when working with prospects and existing clients. Most

Data, data protection, Featured, MSPs, ransomware, ransomware attacks, Security, Syndicated

Barracuda wins big in CRN Annual Report Card for second year in a row

We’re excited to share that Barracuda has again earned a resounding win in the Data Protection Category of CRN’s Annual

CRN Annual Report Card, CRN ARC, data protection, Featured, RMM, Security, Syndicated