
Steps Leaders Can Take to Improve Retention and Career Opportunities

Women in technology-related roles across industries have long faced gender gaps and lower pay than their male counterparts. In addition,

Career, discrimination, gender bias, gender gaps, improve, Leaders, Opportunities, Retention, steps, Syndicated, Tech News, Women in technology

Health Leaders cautiously welcome £3.4 billion NHS investment in digital

Health leaders have given a cautious welcome to the Spring budget’s announcement of £3.4 billion of investment in NHS digitisation.

health, Health Tech, Investment, Leaders, Spring budget, Syndicated

UK Business Leaders Face Investment Challenges as Everyone Claims to Be an Expert

U.K. business leaders feel pressured to accelerate investments in generative artificial intelligence despite an abundance of potentially dud advice clouding

Business, challenges, claims, Expert, face, Investment, Leaders, Syndicated, Tech News

Five Eyes Coalition Release Guidelines for Business Leaders on Securing Intellectual Property

The Five Eyes coalition’s principles focus on reducing the possibility of IP theft, particularly from nation-state-sponsored threat actors. The Five

Business, Coalition, Eyes, guidelines, Intellectual, Leaders, Property, release, securing, Syndicated, Tech News

Australian Data Breach Costs are Rising — What Can IT Leaders Do?

Image: Creativa Images/Adobe Stock There’s a good reason Australian organizations are more conscious than ever of the risk of a

Australian, breach, costs, Data, Leaders, rising, Syndicated, Tech News

Technology Leaders Can Turbocharge Their Company’s Growth In Five Ways

By aligning critical business capabilities and focusing on customers’ real-time needs, technology leaders will be best equipped to seize future

companys, growth, Leaders, Syndicated, Tech News, Technology, Turbocharge, ways