
This cute robot can deliver 16 cups of coffee right to your desk

The office coffee run could soon be a thing of the past, judging by Hyundai’s new DAL-e Delivery robot.  The

coffee, cups, cute, deliver, desk, robot, Syndicated, Tech News

Snapdragon X could finally deliver Windows 11 ARM laptops that can rival MacBooks

New benchmark results have appeared online, apparently showing an upcoming Snapdragon X Elite chip – and if they are accurate,

Arm, deliver, Finally, laptops, MacBooks, rival, Snapdragon, Syndicated, Tech News, Windows

Windows 11 could soon deliver updates that don’t need a reboot

Windows 11 could soon run updates without rebooting, if the rumor mill is right – and there’s already evidence this

deliver, dont, reboot, Syndicated, Tech News, updates, Windows

Japanese company promises to slash prices of AI computing in race to deliver the world’s cheapest GPU cloud

Japanese firm Third Wave is launching a ‘GPU cloud’ service for anyone who wants to run generative AI workloads –

cheapest, Cloud, company, computing, deliver, GPU, Japanese, prices, promises, race, slash, Syndicated, Tech News, Worlds