War Hospital review – this WW1 sim’s studied in the FrostPunk school of strategy games

Review info

Platform reviewed: PC
Available on: PC, PS5, Xbox Series X|S
Release date: January 11, 2024

I should have turned away the villagers when I had the chance. An exclamation bubble had appeared next to my Casualty Clearance Station, the intake tent for my hospital, and a nurse informed me that the residents of a nearby hamlet had come down with a mysterious illness. I wanted to be the hero, something that rarely ends well in World War 1 strategy game War Hospital

If I had said no then my staff morale would have taken a hit, and it was already trickling away with each soldier who died on the operating table, but it would have been one swift knock. Now, there are ten villagers all seeking treatment, on top of all the wounded who are arriving from the front after the Germans’ latest push, and my exhausted doctors are running out of medicine.

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This post originally appeared on TechToday.