Maingear MG-1 review: the best custom-built gaming PC on the market

Maingear MG-1: Two-minute review

When I opened the box for the Maingear MG-1 AMD Advantage – Enthusiast desktop gaming PC, I got a very nice surprise. The folks over at Maingear had added a customer order front plate on the case emblazoned with the TechRadar logo and, intentionally or not, a graphic design that pretty accurately captured the site’s color palette. 

It’s the kind of touch I’m sure Maingear’s builders included as a friendly gesture, but I took it for what it is: an emblem of Maingear’s love of PC building, the company’s incredible attention to detail, and an understanding that it’s building gaming rigs for actual people who will actually use them. 

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This post originally appeared on TechToday.