Hacking MySQL’s JSON_ARRAYAGG Function to Create Dynamic, Multi-Value Dimensions | by Dakota Smith | Jul, 2023

As you can probably guess, this article details obstacles I ran into at when I found myself in a similar situation.

Ultimately, the was in a somewhat hack-y, but remarkably comprehensible, workaround using the native MySQL JSON data type.

The JSON data type in MySQL was added in version 5.7.8, and provides a lot of useful utility for both and modeling.

Under the JSON data type umbrella (officially called “JSON documents”) are two different data structures: JSON arrays and JSON objects.

A JSON can simply be thought of as an array (a list, if you’re a Pythonista): values enclosed by square brackets [ ] and separated by commas.

  • An example MySQL JSON array value: [“foo”, “bar”, 1, 2]

A JSON object can be thought of as a (or, again in Python terms, a dictionary): key-value pairs, separated by commas, and enclosed by curly brackets { }.

  • An example of a MySQL JSON object value: {“foo”: “bar”, 1: 2}

MySQL has a number of functions that can be used to with both of these formats—almost none of which perform any sort of aggregation.

Thankfully, though, there are two that do. And they both return JSON documents, which means we can use MySQL’s built-in functions to the values therein.

The MySQL function JSON_ARRAYAGG acts a lot like GROUP_CONCAT. The biggest difference is that it returns a JSON array, which, again, comes with several helpful built-in functions linked above.

The JSON array data type solves one of our two problems with astounding simplicity: the problem of reliably counting the number of in a combination. This is accomplished using the JSON_LENGTH function. The syntax is wonderfully straightforward:

SELECT JSON_LENGTH(JSON_ARRAY("foo", "bar", "hello", "world"));
-- JSON_ARRAY function used here just to quickly create an example array

The result of this statement is 4, since there are 4 values in the generated JSON array.

But let’s return to the combination of subscriptions. Unfortunately, JSON_ARRAYAGG doesn’t come with the ordering that GROUP_CONCAT has. Ordering the values, even in a CTE before the base query, doesn’t return the desired results:

subscriptions_ordered AS (
FROM subscriptions
ORDER BY subscription
, subscriptions_grouped AS (
JSON_ARRAYAGG(subscription) AS subscriptions,
JSON_LENGTH(JSON_ARRAYAGG(subscription)) AS num_subscriptions
GROUP BY customer_id
COUNT(*) AS num_accounts
FROM subscriptions_grouped
GROUP BY subscriptions
Query results

The number of subscriptions in each combination is there, thanks to the JSON_LENGTH function—but combinations that are effectively the same are once again mischaracterized as distinct because of their order.

Using ROW_NUMBER to force the ordering of values

ROW_NUMBER is a window function that creates an index. The index has to be defined; that is, you have to tell it where to start, how to increment (directionally), and where to end.

We can see a quick example of this by applying the ROW_NUMBER function and telling it to order by the subscription field:

ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY subscription) AS alphabetical_row_num
FROM subscriptions
Query results

Look closely at the results. Even though we didn’t use an ORDER BY statement at the end of our query, the data is nonetheless ordered according to the ORDER BY in the OVER clause.

But of course this still isn’t exactly what we want. What we need to do next is add a PARTITION BY clause to our window function, so that the ordering of the results are related to (and in fact bounded by) each customer ID. Like so:

ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY customer_id ORDER BY subscription) AS alphabetical_order
FROM subscriptions
Query results

You can probably see where this is going.

If we execute the JSON_ARRAYAGG function against these results in a CTE, we see that the duplicate combinations now look exactly the same, thanks to the subscriptions being forced into an alphabetical order by the ROW_NUMBER function:

subscriptions_ordered AS (
ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY customer_id ORDER BY subscription) AS alphabetical_order
FROM subscriptions
JSON_ARRAYAGG(subscription) AS subscriptions
FROM subscriptions_ordered
Query results

Now all we need to do is add in the grouping CTE following the one executing ROW_NUMBER, and alter the base query:

subscriptions_ordered AS (
ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY customer_id ORDER BY subscription) AS alphabetical_order
FROM subscriptions
, subscriptions_grouped AS (
JSON_ARRAYAGG(subscription) AS subscriptions,
JSON_LENGTH(JSON_ARRAYAGG(subscription)) AS num_subscriptions
FROM subscriptions_ordered
GROUP BY customer_id
COUNT(*) AS num_customers,
FROM subscriptions_grouped
GROUP BY subscriptions
ORDER BY num_customers DESC

This gives not only accurately distinct combinations of subscriptions, but also the number of customers who’ve purchased those combinations, and how many subscriptions comprise each of them:

Query results


  • We wanted to know how many customers purchased different combination of subscriptions, and how many subscriptions were in each of those combinations. This presented two problems: how best to obtain the latter, and how to generate accurately distinct subscription combinations.
  • To obtain the number of subscriptions in each combination, we chose to go with one of MySQL’s JSON functions, JSON_ARRAYAGG. The resulting aggregation was returned to us as a JSON data type, allowing us to use the JSON_LENGTH function.
  • We then needed to force the ordering of values inside the JSON array so that duplicate combinations didn’t mistakenly appear distinct. To do this, we used the window function ROW_NUMBER in a CTE prior to the base query, partitioning by customer ID and ordering the subscriptions alphabetically (in ascending order).
  • This ultimately allowed us to aggregate up to accurately distinct combinations of subscriptions; and with this we were able to use a simple COUNT function to see how many customers had purchased each combination.

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