Get an inside look at what Barracuda was up to at Black Hat USA 2023

A few weeks ago, I got the chance to head to Las Vegas for the Black Hat USA Conference, and I got to experience all the exciting things the Barracuda team was doing at the show. Let me walk you through some of the highlights. Of course, we had to kick things off with the obligatory photo in front of the Black Hat sign after registration. (Pictured above, me and Barracuda CTO, Fleming Shi.)

Cybersecurity in the Age of AI

Panelists for Barracuda media event on AI and cybersecurity

Barracuda hosted a panel on Tuesday at Black Hat on the important topic of, “Cybersecurity in the Age of AI” with some of the brightest minds in security and policy, including Barracuda CTO Fleming ShiOpenPolicy Founder Dr. Amit Elazari, J.S.D; President and CEO of the Cyber Threat Alliance J. Michael Daniel; Director in the Office of the CISO Amazon Web Services (AWS) Mark Ryland; and Splunk’s VP, Technical GTM Patrick Coughlin.
Panel on AI and cybersecurity

What I took away from the discussion is that there is more optimism than concern when it comes to generative AI, given the number of positive applications for our defenders. However, there are still a lot of unknowns, and in the words of Fleming Shi, “It’s really the speed and volume you’re going to get from using generative AI — because it’s capable of generating content very quickly given some direction, some prompts, and will be able to actually handle and deliver digital weapons much quicker.”

A big thank you to all our reporter friends who joined us for this insightful discussion. You can read more on the panel in this article from Forbes.

On the show floor

Barracuda also had fun on the show floor, talking to customers, catching up with friends, winning awards — even Elvis showed up.

Barracuda team at Black Hat booth
The Barracuda team!
Barracuda booth at Black Hat 2023
Talking to customers.
Diane Honda accepting an award at the Barracuda booth at Black Hat USA 2023
Diane Honda, Chief Administrative Officer and General Council at Barracuda accepts an award for our application protection solutions.
Elvis at the Barracuda booth at Black Hat USA 2023

Elvis stopped by.

Off the show floor

Video interview with Michael Novinson and Fleming Shi
Barracuda CTO, Fleming Shi stopped by the ISMG Studios to chat with Michael Novinson about generative AI, ransomware, and more.
Michael Novinson of ISMG interviews Barracuda CTO Fleming Shi at Black Hat USA 2023
Fleming Shi meets with OpenPolicy Founder Dr. Amit Elazari, J.S.D.

Fleming and I were also able to catch up more with OpenPolicy Founder Dr. Amit Elazari, J.S.D.

Back at the show

We had some great meetings with Forrester analyst Jess Burn, GigamOm analyst Howard Holton, and Fernando Montenegro from Omdia.

Forrester analyst Jess Burn, GigamOm analyst Howard Holton, and Fernando Montenegro from Omdia
Of course, we also had some fun.
Barracuda branded nails
If you missed us at Black Hat, reach out to us and find out more about how we protect our customers at Barracuda. We hope to see you at Black Hat next year!

This post originally appeared on Smarter MSP.