Convolutional Layer— Building Block of CNNs | by Egor Howell | Jan, 2024

What convolutional layers are and how they enable deep for computer

Egor Howell
Towards Data Science
”” title=”neural network icons”>Neural network icons created by juicy_fish — Flaticon..

Unlike me and you, computers only in binary numbers. So, they can’t see and understand an image. However, we can represent using pixels. For a grayscale image, the smaller the pixel the darker it is. A pixel takes on values anywhere between 0 (black) and 255 (white), numbers in the middle are a spectrum of greys. This number is equal to a byte in binary, which is ²⁸, this is the smallest unit of most computers.

Below is an example image that I created in Python and its corresponding pixel values:

Example of a flower-like image broken down into its pixels. Plot generated by author in LaTeX.

Using this concept, we can develop that can see patterns in these pixels to classify images. This is exactly what a Convolutional Neural (CNN) does.

Most images are not grayscale and have some color. They are typically represented using RGB, where we have three channels that are red, green, and blue. Each color is a two-dimensional pixel grid, which is then stacked on top of each other. So, the image input is then three-dimensional.

The used to generate the plot is available on my :


The key part of CNNs is the convolution operation. I have a full article detailing how convolution works, but I will give a quick recap here for completeness. If you want deep understanding, then I highly recommend you check the previous post:

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