
Mother 3 is making its way to Nintendo Switch Online but only in Japan, and fans are heartbroken

Nintendo’s cult classic Game Boy Advance (GBA) role-playing game Mother 3 is being released via the Nintendo Switch Online +

fans, heartbroken, Japan, making, Mother, Nintendo, online, Switch, Syndicated, Tech News

The Nintendo Switch continues to fly off shelves, clearing 132 million sales

It’s no secret that Nintendo’s hybrid console, the Nintendo Switch, has been selling particularly well but the latest announcement from

Clearing, continues, fly, million, Nintendo, sales, shelves, Switch, Syndicated, Tech News

Mortal Kombat 1 game director says the Switch version will be fixed after its rough launch

Mortal Kombat 1 has officially launched on PC and console, but the Nintendo Switch version appears to be missing key

director, fixed, game, Kombat, launch, Mortal, rough, Switch, Syndicated, Tech News, version

Nintendo briefed Activision on the ‘NG Switch’ in 2022, internal email shows

A newly released internal email thread has revealed that Activision met with Nintendo in December 2022 to be briefed on

Activision, briefed, email, internal, Nintendo, shows, Switch, Syndicated, Tech News

Nintendo Switch 2 tech demos took place at Gamescom

It’s been reported by Eurogamer and VGC that developer presentations for Nintendo’s upcoming console, unofficially known as the “Switch 2”,

demos, Gamescom, Nintendo, place, Switch, Syndicated, Tech News

New EU regulations mean the Nintendo switch 2 will need a reusable battery

The new regulation passed by the European Union has ruled that all electronic devices will need to incorporate a user-replaceable

battery, Nintendo, regulations, reusable, Switch, Syndicated, Tech News