
Episode 13: AI and Sustainability – Shaping Green Business Practices for 2025

In this episode of Rick’s AI Panel, Rick’s AI Avatar explores how AI is driving sustainability and helping businesses adopt

AI, AIavatar, Business, move, Podcast, practices, Syndicated

Episode 2: Sustainable AI Practices for a Greener Future

Welcome back to Rick’s AI Panel! In this episode, we’re exploring how AI can drive innovation while reducing environmental impact.

AI, energy consumption, environmental impact, impact, innovation, Learn, Podcast, practices, sustainability, Syndicated

Upgraded phone technology for GP practices rolled out across England

Upgraded phone technology has been rolled out across the country, enabling more patients to get through to their GP surgery

access recovery plan, England, Health Tech, phone technology, practices, Syndicated

What Is a Payroll Register? Benefits, Best Practices and Examples

A payroll register is a convenient way to keep track of all relevant payroll information in one single, centralized location.

benefits, centralized location, Examples, payroll, payroll information, payroll register, practices, Register, Syndicated, taxes, Tech News

Consider 3 Best Practices When Using Emerging Technology to Achieve Business Results

It’s a great time to be a CIO. Business has never been so focused on using technology to drive growth.

achieve, Business, Emerging, practices, results, Syndicated, Tech News, Technology

Best Practices to Improve Data Quality

Data quality, the condition of an organization’s data in terms of consistency, accuracy, reliability and completeness, is an easy enough

Data, improve, practices, Quality, Syndicated, Tech News

10 Best Practices for Optimizing Analytics Reports

Learn how to optimize your analytics reports with these 10 best practices, including data integrity, visualization, storytelling and more. Image:

Analytics, Optimizing, practices, reports, Syndicated, Tech News

4 Data Center Migration Best Practices

Master data center migration, from strategic planning and asset inventory to continuous testing and post-migration optimization and understand its challenges,

Center, Data, migration, practices, Syndicated, Tech News

4 Steps and Best Practices

Implement a Zero Trust security model with confidence with these best practices and tool suggestions to secure your organization. A

practices, steps, Syndicated, Tech News