Akko Sakura Jelly RGB review

Akko Sakura Jelly RGB: Two-minute review

Mechanical keyboard enthusiasts know you don’t have to have the most kitted out, spiffed up, hundreds-of-dollars-worth build to be happy with your keeb. Sometimes, even the most basic mechanical keyboard can do wonders for your setup, whether it’s the typing experience you care about or the aesthetics.

The Akko Sakura Jelly RGB falls more into the latter category. Not that this keyboard isn’t a joy to use – I’ll get to its performance later – but it’s very much an I-have-a-specific-look-I’m-going-for-and-this-keyboard-is-perfect-for-it pre-build than anything else. That’s especially with its pure pink, Cherry blossom-themed look, which I obviously love, being pink-obsessed.

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This post originally appeared on TechToday.