Global MSP Day 2024: Q&A with our featured speakers 

From our sponsor

Managed service providers (MSPs) across the globe are feeling the excitement and build-up of Global MSP Day 2024! On June 6th, we’ll be celebrating, networking, and collaborating with MSPs around the world both virtually and in-person. 

This incredible annual event would not be possible without the support of our sponsors. We’re pleased to have the support of CompTIA, Richard Tubb, Wingman MSP Marketing, and Channel Program. To prepare for the celebration, we sat down with our featured speakers from each of these organizations to hear their thoughts on what this day truly means, what MSPs will take away from the day, and what they are looking forward to most. 

What does Global MSP Day represent to you?

Richard Tubb: Global MSP Day is an opportunity to celebrate all the hard work that managed service providers put in to keeping their client’s businesses running, each and every day. I know all too well that MSPs can achieve a milestone, and rather than stop to celebrate, immediately move onto the next goal. I think Global MSP Day serves as a reminder to stop and celebrate everything we’re achieving as a community! 

Matt Solomon of Channel Program: Global MSP Day represents an opportunity for MSPs and industry professionals to connect, share insights, and recognize the importance and evolving role of MSPs in the tech and business ecosystems. It’s a chance for MSPs to learn from industry leaders, gain exposure to new ideas, and see the latest trends in their field. 

Wayne Selk of CompTIA: For many MSPs, this a day to stop and focus on the business. Yes, that may seem counter-productive however, consider the impact if you do not. Just like your employees need refresher training, so does the business. Processes change, the threat change, your people change, and so does the business. Embrace the change and the business grows. Fail to change, and the business suffers. 

Mark Copeman of Wingman MSP Marketing: It’s always good to bring into focus what this industry is all about. We have the chance to celebrate the IT businesses of the world and all that they do for their customers. They are the unsung heroes! The reliance of MSPs around the world is becoming ever-increasing, so it’s good to take stock of what we’re all trying to achieve, and this is the perfect opportunity to do so. 

Why do you think MSPs should join us and what will they take away from the event?

Richard: I think MSPs should join us for Global MSP Day because there is a real benefit in pausing, taking stock, and thinking about “what’s next”. This year’s global virtual event promises to be a good one, with some top-notch MSP experts, plus the launch of the annual “Evolving Landscape of the MSP Business” report — which is always a great indicator of the pulse of the managed services industry. 

Matt: MSPs should join Global MSP Day because it offers a unique opportunity to network with peers and gain first-hand access to new industry reports and research. 

Wayne: MSPs have an opportunity to learn, develop, and grow both as an organization and as individuals. Perspective is often the biggest takeaway at an event like this.  We need to see other perspectives for both clarity and proper decision-making. Looking through rose-colored glasses or seeing a glass half-full places unrealistic limitations on everything we do. Viewing your world through a different lens may shed some light on a challenge or it may highlight a better process.  Either way, this event has something for everyone. 

Mark: I got involved in this industry due to the collaborative nature of it. The idea of sharing knowledge between companies is unheard of in other industries but here, it happens every single day of the week. You can learn from others, and not reinvent the wheel. Acting on some of the things you hear and learn will be absolutely key. 

What parts of the event are you looking forward to most?

Richard: I’m always blown away by the great conversations I have with MSPs from around the world. Our community is so special in that peers help one another to overcome challenges and grow. Plus, I’ll be attending the celebration party in London, and if last year’s event is anything to go by, this should be a lot of fun. 

Matt: The part of the event that I am looking forward to the most would be the industry report: The Evolving Landscape of the MSP Business. By participating in the event, MSPs can take away valuable insights into the trends shaping their industry, and strategies to enhance their services which could lead to new business opportunities. Plus, I love getting to see real data/feedback from the community itself vs. spreading anecdotal information. 

Wayne: The discussions and interactions with others as well as helping MSPs in any way I can. 

Mark: I spend a lot of time behind a screen in my day-to-day life, talking to people around the world. However, there is no substitute for getting face-to-face with people. It’s wonderful to put faces to names and meet new collaborators in the industry. I’m really looking forward to attending the London in-person event for to this exact reason! 

Our featured speakers are not alone in the excitement for Global MSP Day on Thursday, June 6, 2024. Join your peers to celebrate all your hard work and dedication to your customers as well as get a sneak peek of The Evolving Landscape of the MSP Business 2024 report! Join in on the celebration and register for the virtual event today. 

Follow Barracuda MSP on LinkedIn to stay up to date and learn more. 

 Photo: Zyn Chakrapong / Shutterstock

This post originally appeared on Smarter MSP.